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Vince Tracy Podcasts
Vince Tracy has provided a multitude of Podcasts
here for your listening pleasure! To download the
podcasts simply right click on the one you want
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Vince Tracy Podcasts Page 1
Vince started at Clatterbridge Hospital Radio before moving to the
BBC at Radio Merseyside. ´My influences come from Radio
Caroline, BBC local Radio and such great entertainers as Tommy
Cooper, Morecambe and Wise, The Two Ronnies and Ken Dodd.
Favourite DJs include Jimmy Young, Steve Wright, Gene Weed and
Dave Allen My own show is dedicated to constant improvement
but will not be changed just for the sake of change.´ Guests on
Vince´s show range from Chubby Checker and Brenda Lee to Sir
Henry Cooper and Sir Stirling Moss. Politicians, Pop Stars and
Sports Stars can be found in abundance on Vince´s podcasts.
Interviews by Vince
“I have known Vince for more years than I care to remember and all
throughout he has been the consummate professional, always striving for
perfection in his chosen field of entertainment. His life story is one not to
be missed nor is his wonderful sense of humour! I feel blessed to have him
as a loyal friendBe very blessed Vince.”
Mike Ellis. Ph.D
There must have been a time when you just could not get a
certain song out of your head. Perhaps it was the last sound
played at the disco or perhaps there?s a certain riff in a song
that haunts you? Perhaps it?s one of those songs which have a
special meaning for you or a special person in your life?
Whatever the reason we all have had musical influences
throughout our life and some we have deliberately chosen whilst
others have crept in because we watch television and listen to
the radio. We also have been subjected to other musical
influences from shops, restaurants, churches, dance halls and
anyone whistling or singing near us. Why was it almost
impossible to remember Shakespeare?s quotations when I tried
to learn them for school yet I can remember words to songs
without even trying to memorise them? As someone who has
made a living from playing music for others to listen to it has
interested me greatly to find out whether any of the records
which have made the popular music charts has had a greater
influence on me than I have realized. I will also try to remember
the words to the songs I heard in my younger years without
using either reference books or a safety net! I will also attempt
to put the music in some kind of time frame looking at what else
was happening aside from the music. I will also identify how my
own appreciation of music has evolved and that charts become
less important with age. This will be the basis of a large part of
my book. I will also try to show that I have had to show a good
amount of true grit and determination in order to eventually find
the job I had always wanted from my childhood days of listening
to Radio Luxembourg and Radio Caroline. Moreover, it takes a
lifetime to really see your priorities. Join me now in my musical
voyage of discovery.